she sought him out and passed on the news 意味

  • 彼を捜しだしてそのニュースを伝えた


        passed out as waste:    《be ~》老廃物{ろうはいぶつ}として排出{はいしゅつ}される
        passed out of the body:    《be ~》体外{たいがい}に排出{はいしゅつ}される
        sought:    {動} : seek の過去?過去分詞形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】so':t、【@】ソート
        have nobody to bail him out:    (主語を)救ってくれる人がいない
        she:    she 先方 せんぽう 彼女 かのじょ 同氏 どうし あの方 あのかた 彼奴 あいつ あの人 あのひと
        she's:    {1} : she is の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : she has の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        go out to see what she wanted:    応対に出る
        strike out swinging and reach first on a passed ball:    《野球》振り逃げする
        passed:    {形-1} : 過ぎ去った、過去の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} : 流行遅れの、色あせた -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        as the news stories point out:    新聞記事{しんぶん きじ}にもあるように
        begin to slip out of the news:    ニュースに取り上げられなくなる
        edit out the useless news:    無駄{むだ}なニュースを編集{へんしゅう}でカットする
        news is out in the open:    事は公になっている
        go out to a patient to give him medication:    投薬{とうやく}を行うために患者{かんじゃ}のもとに赴く
        to hold (the opponent) in the arms and carry him out of the ring:    to hold (the opponent) in the arms and carry him out of the ring 吊り出す つりだす


  1. "she soon repented of her hasty marriage" 意味
  2. "she soothed him into thinking that everything was all right" 意味
  3. "she sought a grant for the extension of her research into new areas" 意味
  4. "she sought an injunction to stop publication of his biography of her" 意味
  5. "she sought counsel in him" 意味
  6. "she sought his compassion and got it" 意味
  7. "she sought sanctuary in the french embassy" 意味
  8. "she sought solace from her trials in drink" 意味
  9. "she sought the companionship of the more intelligent of her peers" 意味
  10. "she sought an injunction to stop publication of his biography of her" 意味
  11. "she sought counsel in him" 意味
  12. "she sought his compassion and got it" 意味
  13. "she sought sanctuary in the french embassy" 意味

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